Transform Your Playground

Transform Your Playground

Transform Your Playground

Renovating playground surfaces isn’t just about improving aesthetics—it’s about ensuring safety, durability, and long-term usability. At Terra Landscape, we’ve perfected a three-step process to deliver outstanding results for wood chip playground areas. Here’s how we make it happen:


Step 1: Demolition and Preparation
Every successful project starts with a clean slate. Our team begins by thoroughly cleaning the site, removing all trash and debris to create a safe and efficient workspace. To minimize costs and environmental impact, we carefully rake and set aside existing wood chips for reuse, working in phases to maintain an organized process.


Step 2: Base Improvement
A playground is only as strong as its foundation. That’s why we install a 5-inch layer of PG&E-approved sand to create a solid and durable base. This sand is expertly graded to ensure a level surface, which is crucial for the stability of the wood chips and the safety of those who use the playground. Using landscape fabric beneath wood chips when building a playground is highly recommended. It acts as an excellent barrier to prevent weed growth and helps keep the sand and wood chips from mixing, ensuring a clean and well-maintained play area.


Step 3: Wood Chip Installation
We maximize efficiency and sustainability by reusing the existing wood chips as a base layer, reducing waste and the need for new materials. Then, we install certified playground fiber wood chips that meet ASTM F2075 safety standards. This ensures material purity and optimal safety for playground users. As part of the installation, we account for natural compression since wood chips settle over time, ensuring long-lasting results.


Is Your Playground Ready for Spring and Summer?
Playgrounds are a hub of activity during the warmer months—make sure yours is safe, functional, and ready to impress. Our team is here to evaluate your playground areas and bring them up to the highest safety and aesthetic standards.


Contact us today to schedule your consultation and prepare for the busiest seasons ahead!