Landscape & Nursery Show

Landscape & Nursery Show

Landscape & Nursery Show

We do our best to keep up with the latest horticultural information and landscaping trends, so a management team recently attended the Norcal Landscape and Nursery Show at the San Mateo Event Center. 


On the main floor, we visited booths with information on everything from new plant introductions to the latest earth-moving equipment and irrigation innovations. Foothill College, Suncrest Nurseries, Garton Tractors, San Marcos Growers, The Urban Farmer  – so much to learn about!


John Greenlee, author of The American Meadow Garden, was on hand to discuss new low-water grasses and meadow-making strategies. Many of our clients are looking for ways to replace water-hogging lawns, and an intentional meadow — a managed meadow — is one great option. 


Our team attended a seminar on Fire Smart Landscaping by Rich Shortall, Executive Coordinator for Fire Safe Marin. One big  takeaway: With the exception of juniper and bamboo, plant choices are not the main way to create fire-safe landscapes. It’s more about maintenance (keeping plants appropriately watered and pruned)  and proximity (planting away from structures).

We also attended a workshop on low-voltage lighting. With the advent of LEDs, lighting systems have become more flexible and affordable. Terra is partnering with a local lighting company to propose accent lighting for a historic building in San Francisco. 


So many great ideas and opportunities for continuing to expand and improve our services!