Winter Blooms

Winter Blooms

Winter Blooms

We expect colorful flowers in spring and summer and vibrant, fiery leaves in fall. But what about winter? After the holiday decorations are gone, what will provide color? Never fear, winter bloomers are here! 


Camellias are tough, reliable shrubs with spectacular winter flowers in red, white, and all shades of pink. Easy to grow in the Bay Area. 


Rosemary’s Latin name means “dew of the sea” – and this tough little plant will thrive and bloom even on seaside cliffs. Choose from creeping and upright varieties. 


Hellebores are known for reliable winter blooms. Corsican Hellebore is perfectly adapted to Mediterranean climates like ours. Most vines bloom in spring or summer, but Hardenbergia puts on a reliable show every winter. The most popular variety is called ‘Happy Wanderer’, but it only wanders to about 15 ft long.